Frequently Asked Questions
Your myAthletics Account
If you can’t remember your URN to sign in to the portal:
- Head over to our Forgot URN page
- Enter your DOB, First Name, Last Name and Post Code and then click ‘Retrieve URN’
- Your URN will be displayed on screen, make a note of this number and keep it safe as you will need it to sign in to your portal and for entering athletics and running events
If no user is found matching the details you have provided you will be asked to try entering your information again. Please make sure that you enter your information exactly as it is stored against your profile e.g. If you enter your first name as Sam but your profile has your first name stored as Samuel the system will not be able to identify you.
If you are unable to retrieve your URN through this process please contact the England Athletics Member Engagement Team
If you forget your password you can reset it by following these steps:
- Head over to the Forgot Password page
- Enter your URN or email address and click ‘Reset Password’
- An email will be sent to your email address with a link to reset your password
- Click the link in the email
If there is not a valid email address associated with your account please contact the England Athletics Member Engagement Team to add an email address to your account and reset your password.
If you do not receive the password reset email make sure you check your junk/spam folders and try adding to your list of safe senders.
If you have still not received it then you can try requesting it again through the Forgot Password page or contact the England Athletics Member Engagement Team.
To access the club management area of the myAthletics portal, you will need to be set up with Administrator access for an England Athletics affiliated club or organisation.
If you already have an account with England Athletics and are registered as a member with your club the existing Club/Membership Secretary can add you as a Club/Membership Secretary and grant you administrator level access by following these steps:
- Go to the Club Profile page and in the My Club section click ‘Change’ next to the existing Club/Membership Secretary
- In the pop-up box enter the name of the new Club/Membership Secretary and click on the search icon
- Select the new Club/Membership Secretary from the search results and click ‘Change’
An automated email will be sent to both the old and the new Club/Membership Secretary advising them that their access to the club management area of the myAthletics portal has been changed.
If you are currently a Club/Membership Secretary for a club and wish to resign from your position you should first inform your Club Committee that you want to resign and then make sure that there is somebody else willing to take over your position before you resign. It is good club governance to always have a Club Secretary and Membership Secretary in post, where possible these should not be the same person.
To resign your position through the club management area of the myAthletics portal, just follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Go to the Club Profile page and in the My Club section click ‘Change’ next to the Club Secretary or Membership Secretary
- In the pop up enter the name or URN of the club member you want to take over from your position
- Select the member from the list and click ‘Change’
An automated email will be sent to both yourself and the new Club/Membership Secretary advising them that their access to the myAthletics portal has been changed.
If you are an active member of the athletics and running community it is more than likely that you will already have a myAthletics account. Athletes, Runners, Coaches, Officials and Volunteers are added to the portal in the following ways:
- Affiliated athletics and running clubs will add their members through the portal
- If you book on to a coaching course through Athletics Hub you will have a myAthletics account created for you at the same time as you register on Athletics Hub
- If you book on to an officiating course through Athletics Hub you will have a myAthletics account created for you at the same time as you register on Athletics Hub
If you do not currently have a myAthletics account and you think you should have please contact your Club Secretary or Membership Secretary and ask them to add you as a member of your club so that you can access the portal. Once your club has added you to the portal you will be sent details of how to sign in.
If you think you might already have an account but can’t remember your details please use the Forgot URN and Forgot password pages to find out your sign in information.
You can change your myAthletics password through the myAthletics portal. To change your password, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘MY PROFILE’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click ‘PASSWORD & SECURITY’ on the right-hand menu within your profile page
- Enter your current password and then enter your new password and confirm the new password. Your password must be at least eight characters in length and must contain one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number.
- Click ‘Update Password’
Your password will be automatically updated.
The club management area of the myAthletics portal contains personal data on club members and as such only a limited number of people are allowed access to this.
To have full access to the club management area you need to be listed as the Club Secretary, Membership Secretary or Treasurer for your club. If you think you should have one of these roles please contact your club in the first instance to make sure that you have been added correctly to the club.
If you are a Team Manager, Coaching Coordinator or have another volunteer role at your club which requires you to have limited access to the club management area of the myAthletics portal please again contact your club to make sure that they have set you up with that role in the portal.
If you are still having problems please Contact the England Athletics Membership Engagement team
Your Club Profile
Only an existing Club/Membership Secretary with access to the club management area of the myAthletics portal can change the Club/Membership Secretary, to do so follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Select ‘CLUB PROFILE’ from the left-hand menu and in the My Club section click ‘Change’ next to the current Club/Membership Secretary
- Enter the name of the new Club/Membership Secretary and click on the search icon
- Select the new Club/Membership Secretary from the search results and click ‘Change’
An email will be sent to both the old and the new Club/Membership Secretary advising them that their access to the myAthletics portal has been changed.
If the new Club/Membership Secretary is not found using the search functionality detailed above the existing Club/Membership Secretary will first need to add them as a club member.
Please note you should never pass on your myAthletics portal sign in details to another user to take over Club/Membership Secretary duties, this could cause significant sign in and account management issues for both users.
To make changes to your club information, sign in to the myAthletics portal and click on ‘CLUB PROFILE’ on the left-hand side menu. You can edit the following details:
- Club Profile Image - click on ‘Edit Image’ to upload a file and update, this will display for your members in their portal and help them to identify your club easily
- Kit Colours - click on ‘Edit Image’ to upload an image of your kit and then browse for the image file you want to add, click on ‘Upload’ to update the image. Your kit colours image should clearly show your main club colours, if possible please add an image of your club vest.
- Club Secretary – click on ‘Change’ to update
- Membership Secretary – click on ‘Change’ to update
- My Club information – click on ‘Edit’ within this section to edit the following fields:
- Primary Venue – Primary venue is used to show the location of your club in the club finder tools, this should be the primary club venue e.g. club house, track, meeting point not the home address of the Club/Membership Secretary
- Secondary Venue – to be used if your club operates from multiple venues
- Training Times
- Website
- Contact Preferences
NB. Changes made to your club details through the myAthletics portal will not automatically update the club finder tool on the England Athletics website. If you want your changes to be reflected through the club finder please Contact the England Athletics Membership Engagement team to let us know what has changed.
The club profile page displays the ‘Primary Venue’ information for your club – this is your club venue location not the home address of the Club/Membership Secretary. If you wish to add a ‘Secondary Venue’ to your club profile you can do this by following the below steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- On the ‘Club Profile’ page scroll down to the ‘My Club’ section and click ‘Edit’
- Under the Secondary Venue information enter a House Number/Name and postcode then use the ‘Find Address’ function to add your address. If the address finder does not work click ‘Cannot find Address?’ to enter your address information manually
- Click ‘Update details’, your ‘Secondary Venue’ information will be stored against your club
The Membership Summary for your club can be found on the ‘CLUB PROFILE’ page and also on your dashboard when you sign in. This information is based on the members that you have added through the myAthletics portal and the roles that you have assigned to these members e.g. Athlete, coach, volunteer etc.
If the membership numbers do not look right for your club please check that you have added all of your current members and assigned them the appropriate roles through the portal. You can view a data export list of all your members by following these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘All Members’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click ‘Options’ and choose ‘Select All’ from the list of options.
- A call-to-action (CTA) panel will appear with multiple actions available, click on ‘Export’ to export a full list of your members
If you need to add members to your club you can do this by clicking on the ‘Add Member’ button at the top of the ‘All Members’ page.
If you need to update the roles of your club members you can do this by clicking ‘View/Edit’ on an individual member and then clicking ‘Edit’ to update their roles through their profile.
Full access to the club management area of the myAthletics portal should be limited to the Club Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer for each club, this ensures that the personal data of your club members is kept secure and helps to reduce administration errors caused by multiple users accessing the system. Members who have these roles assigned to them will automatically have full access to the portal, this can be removed by removing the relevant role.
You can provide additional Club Committee members of your club with limited access to the club management area of the portal by granting them access to the portal. This option is only available to club members who have on of the following roles; Coach, Coaching Coordinator, Official, Team Manager, Welfare Officer, DBS Verifier.
To grant limited portal acces to one of your club members follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click 'All Members' from the left hand menu to view your member listing page
- Search for the member that you want to assign access to
- Click 'View/Edit' next to the member
- In the top right of their profile click on 'Grant Portal Access'
- You will be asked to confirm that you want to provide the member with portal access. If you are sure click 'OK' and the member's access will be udpated
If you require full access for additional club volunteers please Contact the England Athletics Membership Engagement team as this may be provided on a case by case basis.
You can view a full list of which of your members currently have portal access through the link under 'Portal Users' on the 'Club Profile' page.
Club Member Management
To add a new member to your club, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘All Members’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click ‘Add Member’ at the top of the page
- Fill out the details in the member registration form, making sure you enter all of the mandatory information accurately
- Add the relevant roles to your member, including any volunteer roles
- Click ‘Add Member’
- A success message will be displayed detailing the URN for the new member
If you are adding an under 11 member you will be prompted to provide the name of a parent / guardian, their email address and confirmation of consent.
The system will automatically check whether the member you are adding already has an account with England Athletics and is registered with another club, if this is the case a pop-up message will appear to let you know. You are not able to add members who are already registered with other clubs as a competitive athlete at your club, the member will have to log in to the portal and request to go through the Change of Club process.
You can use the address lookup to speed up address entry by entering a House Number and Post Code and clicking on ‘Find Address’. If the address you have entered is not found or you wish to add the address manually, click ‘Enter Manually’ and you can input the full address yourself.
To search for an individual member of your club follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘All Members’ on the left-hand side menu
- Enter all or part of the member’s name or their URN into the search box then hit Enter
- You will be presented with a list of members matching your search criteria
To search for a member with a specific role you can click on ‘Athletes’, ‘Coaches’, ‘Officials’ or ‘Volunteers’ on the left-hand side menu and search within these pages.
You can use the club management area of the myAthletics portal to keep track of all your club members, including coaches, officials and volunteers as well as athletes. To update individual member roles, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘All Members’ on the left-hand side menu, you will be presented with a list of all of your current club members. The details under the ‘Roles’ column show which roles an individual currently holds within your club.
- To edit the roles for a member, click ‘View/Edit’ for that member and you will be taken to their profile
- Click ‘Edit’ on the member’s profile to update their roles by using the 'Athletics Status' and 'Volunteer Roles' drop down lists
- Click ‘Update’ to confirm your role changes
Assigning roles for members will ensure that they appear in the relevant section within the portal i.e. ‘Athletes’, ‘Coaches’, ‘Officials’ or ‘Volunteers’
Please note, if you choose not to add an Athlete or Volunteer role to your member the member will be resigned from your club as they do not have an active role and will no longer show in your club member list.
If you need to view or update information about one of your club members follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘All Members’ on the left-hand side menu, you will be presented with a list of all of your current club members
- To edit an individual member, click ‘View/Edit’ for that member and you will be taken to their profile
- Click ‘Edit’ on the member’s profile to update their information
- Click ‘Update’ to confirm your changes
These pages are designed to allow club administrators to administer members with different roles easily. From these individual role pages, you can;
- Search easily for members with a specific role
- View role specific information e.g. qualifications and licence status
- Export a list of users with a specific role
- Email users with a specific role
- Add users with a specific role to a member group
- Add notes to users with a specific role
To resign a member from your club, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Choose the relevant page from the left-hand side menu e.g. All Members, Athletes etc.
- Use the search functionality or scroll through the chosen page to find the member you wish to resign
- Click the three dots next to the ‘View/Edit’ button and select ‘Resign Member’
- A message will display asking you to confirm you want to resign the member, click ‘OK’
- A confirmation message will appear on screen to show that the member has been resigned and the member will receive an automated email to let them know
If you need to resign multiple members from your club you can select multiple members at once and then use the Resign Members option that appears on the action bar at the bottom of the screen to resign multiple members in one go.
NB. If you resign a member from your club this will remove them completely from your list of club members and you will no longer be able to view their information.
If you have accidentally resigned a member from your club and you need to reinstate them you can do this by using the ‘Add Member’ process. Enter their personal details exactly as they are recorded in the database and the system will recognise the member and flag that the member is currently resigned at your club. You can then click on ‘Associate Member’ to reinstate them as a club member. You will be asked to confirm what roles the member should have at your club and then clicking on ‘Associate Member’ for a 2nd time will re-add them to your club.
You can add two sets of emergency contact details for each club member, these details will be shown in the Excel export of all member information.
To add emergency contact details for a member, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘All Members’ on the left-hand side menu
- Search for the member you wish to update and then click on ‘View/Edit’, this will take you through to their member profile
- Click ‘Edit’ and scroll down to the bottom of the page
- Enter the emergency contact information for the member in the fields provided
- Click ‘Update’ at the bottom of the page. The member details will be updated and you will be taken back to the ‘All Members’ page
You can also advise your club members to sign in to the myAthletics portal themselves to add their own emergency contact details through their profile.
To add a 2nd claim member to your club, the athlete must have an Active Competitive athlete role at another affiliated club and they must have already paid their England Athletics registration fee through their first claim club.
To add an athlete as a 2nd claim member:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘All Members’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click ‘Add Member’ in the top right of the page
- Enter the athlete’s Title, First Name, Last Name and DOB exactly as it has been set up for their existing athlete account.
- The system will recognise that the athlete already has an active athlete role with another club and will flag this on screen.
- Click ‘Associate Member’ to continue adding the athlete as a 2nd claim member
- In the ‘Athletics Status’ drop down list choose ‘Second Claim’ - if this option does not appear it indicates that the member is not currently registered through their first claim club and they will need to complete their registration before you can add them.
- Tick the privacy statement declaration to confirm the athlete is aware you are adding them to your club
- Click ‘Associate Member’ and the member will be added to your club
Individual checks on an athlete’s registration status can be made at
Competition providers can also upload spreadsheets of entrants/competitor details for automated checks to be carried out. If you would like to request access to this bulk upload functionality please Contact the England Athletics Membership Engagement team
If you need to re-add a member who has been resigned from your club you can do that through the myAthletics portal.
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click on 'All Members' on the left hand side menu
- Click on ‘Add Member’
- Enter the full name, DOB and gender of the member exactly as they were recorded previously
- The system will automatically recognise that the member exists and flag that the member is currently resigned at your club
- Click on ‘Associate Member’ to reinstate them as a club member
- You will be asked to confirm what roles the member should have at your club and then clicking on ‘Associate Member’ for a 2nd time will re-add them to your club
England Athletics have recently added the 'Medical Information' section to member profiles within the portal to allow clubs to collect medical information from their members.
Member can add their own medical information to their profile by going to their profile and clicking to edit their 'Medical Information' section.
Club admins can also add medical infromation to their members by followign these steps:
- Log in to the myAthletics portal
- Click on 'All Members' on the left hand menu
- Use the search function to search for the member you want to add information by name or URN
- Click 'View/Edit' next to the member on the member listing page
- On the member's profile scroll down until you reach the 'Medical Information' section and click 'Edit'
- Complete the medical infromation fields and then click 'Update information' to save the details
Medicial information that is submitted for members is also added to the member export csv files for clubs to download. The medical information fields are optional for club members to complete and the information provided is shared with clubs so that they can help to make reasonable adjustments where possible based on the medical, illness and injury information their members have provided.
To add a note to a club member follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Choose the relevant page from the left-hand side menu to view a list of your members e.g. All Members, Athletes etc.
- Use the search functionality or scroll through the chosen page to find the member you wish to add a note to
- Click the three dots next to the ‘View/Edit’ button and select ‘Add Note’
- A pop up box will appear on screen to allow you to add the required information to your member
- Click 'Add Note' and the note will be saved against your member
You can add the same name to multiple members at once by selecting multiple members from the member listing pages and then clicking 'Options' - 'Add Note'
England Athletics have recently added the 'CLUB DEMOGRAPHICS' area to the myAthletics portal. This will provide club admins with access to a breakdown of the demographic data of their club including; Age, Sex, Religion, Nationality, Disability, Sexual Orientation and Ethnicity data.
This is provided in the form of charts which can be exported as images to be used in club reports. A csv download of the actual and % breakdown can also be exported for each chart.
Club members can update this information through their profile at any time and will be asked to verify the data is correct on an annual basis.
Please note that to protect the anonymity of data, the charts will only be populated if at least 20 of your club members have completed that field.
Sexual Orientation data is only requested for members aged 16 and over.
Competitive athletes need to pay the England Athletics registration fee each year.
If you add a new member who is a brand new person to the sport and has never been registered with any athletics or running club anywhere ever before they are entitled to a 15 month registration term. This only applies to athletes who join your club during January to March. New athletes registered during this period will remain registered with England Athletics up until the 31st March the following year.
If however, the athlete joins your club and they have previously been registered with England Athletics by another club in the past then they would only be covered until 31st March of the current year and would have to pay again from 1st April onwards when the new registration year commences
If you need to reactivate a lapsed athlete at your club you can do so through the myAthletics portal by following these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click on 'Athletes' on the left hand side menu
- Click on ‘Filter & Sort’ in the top right of the page
- Under the 'Athletic Status' filter select 'Lapsed' from the drop down list
- Click 'Filter results'
- A list of your lapsed athletes will be shown on the screen. Click the 'Reactivate' button that appears alongside their record
Please note athletes are classed as lapsed if they were previously registered with England Athletics but have not re-registered within a 12 month period. Athletes will remain in your lapsed athletes list for a period of 3 years in line with our privacy policy, after which point they will be removed from your club.
You can assign an alternative role to your lapsed athletes if you want them to remain a member of your club but they are no longer a competitive athlete.
To set up a saved filter on one of the listing pages follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘Athletes’ or a similar listing page on the left-hand side menu
- Click 'Filter & Sort' in the top right of the listing
- Select the filters you want to use e.g. Competitive, Registered etc.
- Click 'Filter results'
- Click 'Save filter' in the top right of the listing page
- At the top of the page add a name for your filter e.g. 'Competitive Registered athletes' then make sure that you have selected all of the filters you want to apply
- Click 'Save'
The filter will be added to your Saved Filter drop down list and athletes will automatically be added in to the filter based on whether they meet the set criteria.
To view your list of Second Claim members:
- Go to the 'Athletes' listing page in the portal
- Click on 'Filter and Sort'
- Under the 'Claim' filter select 'Second Claim'
- Click on 'Filter Results'
Your list of second claim members will be displayed on the listing page
Clubs can list their coaches and officials within the myAthletics portal. Coaches and officials are not added automatically by England Athletics, they need to be added by the Club Secretary or Membership Secretary.
To add a coach or official to your club follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘All Members’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click ‘Add Member’ at the top of the page
- Fill out the details in the member registration form, making sure you enter all of the mandatory information accurately
- Add the relevant role to your member e.g. Coach or Official
- Click ‘Add Member’
- A success message will be displayed detailing the URN for the new member
If the coach or official already exists within our database the portal will recognise their details when you start adding them and ask you to 'Associate member.' This will allow you to add the individual to your club with the correct role.
It is important for clubs to keep their list of Coaches and Officials up to date. If an individual leaves your club you can resign them via the myAthletics portal or alternatively if they are still a club member but no longer coaching or officiating you can simply remove the relevant role by clicking to edit the member.
Membership Types
Membership types are important if you want to manage both your club membership payments and England Athletics registration payments through the portal. If you want to use Stripe to collect online payments from your members then you need to make sure your membership types are set up correctly and that you have specified whether they should include the England Athletics registration fee.
To set up different membership types for your club follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘MEMBERSHIP FEES’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click ‘Edit My Club Year’ to confirm what month your club membership year runs from and to
- Click ‘Save’
- Click ‘Add Membership Fee’
- Enter the Name of the Membership Type e.g. Senior
- Enter the cost of the membership in the second box e.g. £30.00
- Tick the check-box if your membership cost includes the England Athletics affiliation fee - You should only tick this option if you want to include the EA registration fee in your club membership types and are tracking your club membership payments through the portal.
- Click ‘Save’
The membership types that you set up will appear in the drop-down list of membership type options when you are adding new members to your club.
You can add and edit membership types at any time but you can only delete a membership type once you have removed it from any existing members.
You can delete membership types from your club by following these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘MEMBERSHIP FEES’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click the dustbin icon next to the membership type you want to delete
The membership type will be removed from your list of memberships.
Please note that you are not able to delete membership types that are currently assigned to your members, you must remove all members attached to that membership type before the type can be deleted.
You can edit the cost of your different membership types by following these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘MEMBERSHIP FEES’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click ‘Edit’ next to the membership type you want to change and update the details
- Click ‘Save’
The membership type will be updated and all members with that membership type assigned to them will be updated.
You can change the membership type of individual club members by following these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘PAYMENTS’ on the left-hand side menu
- On the ‘Payments to Club’ tab you will be able to edit the membership type of individual members if their Payment Status is currently ‘Outstanding’
- Click the membership type drop down on the individual member and select the membership type you want to update them to
- A confirmation message will appear on screen to show that their membership type has been updated
If you want to change the membership type of multiple club members at the same time follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘PAYMENTS’ on the left-hand side menu
- On the ‘Payments to Club’ tab you will be able to select the members that you want to change by clicking on the circles next to their name and profile picture
- In the actions panel at the bottom of the screen select the membership type you want to update the members to from the drop down list
- Click ‘Update’ in the actions panel
- A confirmation message will appear on screen to show that the membership types have been updated for the members.
If there are no membership types appearing in the drop-down list this means they haven’t been set up for your club, you can add these through the ‘MEMBERSHIP FEES’ page.
The membership types which show in the drop down list relate to the membership types that have been set up for your club. You can edit these membership types by going to the ‘MEMBERSHIP FEES’ page in the myAthletics portal.
If you have old membership types that are no longer in use you can also choose to delete these through the ‘MEMBERSHIP FEES’ page.
It is not currently possible to set up ‘grouped’ membership types through the myAthletics portal. There is a lot of complexity involved in group membership types, specifically determining how many people are attached to each membership type and which members should be charged the EA registration fee. Currently the portal cannot support this but we have this logged with our developers as something to look in to as a future enhancement.
When allocating a membership type to a member you might see an error message on screen which states that the membership type could not be updated for that member. This will usually be due to the fact that the membership type has been set up to include the EA registration fee but the member you have selected is not a competitive athlete.
You cannot assign membership types that include the EA fee to members who are not set up as competitive athletes.
To change the ‘athletic status’ of your member so that they are marked as competitive:
- Click on their name from the ‘Payments to Club’ page
- You will be taken to their profile, click ‘Edit’ in the top right corner
- In the ‘Athletics Status’ column you can choose to change the member to ‘Competitive’
- Click ‘Update’ to confirm the changes
Member Communications
You can send emails to your club members from the following pages; ‘All Members’, ‘Athletes’, ‘Coaches’, ‘Officials’, ‘Volunteers’.
To send an email follow these steps:
- Click on the page for the members you want to email from the left-hand side menu e.g. ‘Coaches’
- Use the circles on the left-hand side of the page to select the members you want to email. Selecting the circle at the top of the list of members next to ‘Name’ will select all members on that page. Alternatively you can click 'Options' and then 'Select all' to select all members in the list
- Click ‘Options’ on the right-hand side of the page
- Click ‘Send Email’ from the list of options
- Use the email editor box to compose your email:
- The ‘From Name’ will automatically default to your name but you can override this and change it to your club name if you prefer
- The ‘From Email’ will automatically default to the email address linked to your account, if you have multiple email addresses added to your account you can choose which one you want to send the email from
- ‘To’ will populate with the members you have selected, you can click the red ‘X’ next to any members to remove them from the list
- ‘Email Subject’ and ‘Content’ should be added before you send the email
- Click ‘Send’ to send your email
A copy of your email will automatically be sent to the from address you have sent your email from. A record of your sent emails will be stored under ‘CLUB EMAILS’ and you can click the ‘Details’ button on any email on this screen to view delivery and opening stats.
Your club members will be able to access a copy of all emails sent to them via the portal so if your club members do not receive the email please prompt them to log in and view the email details via their 'MY EMAILS' page in their profile.
Yes! To include attachments with your emails to club members simply follow the steps detailed under the FAQ for ‘How do I send emails to my club members?’ and at the bottom of the screen where it says Attachment click on ‘Browse’ to select an attachment from files on your computer to include with your email.
Please note that adding attachments to emails can reduce the deliverability rate as some email services don’t trust attachments from outside sources.
Yes! We recommend that where possible you personalise emails to your club members by including their name or first name within your Email Subject or Content.
You can use the following codes within your Email Subject or Content to personalise your emails to club members:
- --firstname-- This shows the user's first name
- --lastname-- This shows the user's last name
- --name-- This shows the user's first and last name
- --urn-- This shows the user's URN
- --clubname-- This shows the current club's name
Your club emails are sent from the portal by our trusted email service provider and our delivery rates are constantly monitored to ensure that we are getting the best service. You can check whether an email has delivered to your members by:
- Click on ‘CLUB EMAILS’ on the left-hand menu within the portal
- Find the email you want to check delivered in the list
- Click ‘Details’ next to the email
- On the email details screen scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will be able to see a list of recipients and whether the email is marked as delivered and/or opened
If a club member has contacted you to say that they have not received your email you can check whether it was delivered by following the steps above and then ask your member to try the following:
- Ask them to check their spam or junk folder
- Ask them to ensure that they have your email address or the email address that you are using to send club emails from added to their ‘Safe sender list’ in their email account
- Ask them to add to their ‘Safe sender list’ in their email account
- Check that their email address is listed correctly in the myAthletics portal and that it is the correct email account for your member
If you are still experiencing issues with emails not delivering to your members please Contact the England Athletics Membership Engagement team
As a club administrator you have the option to email your club members from the portal.
When you are composing your email to your club members you can choose what the 'From Name' should be. This will default to your name as the logged in user but you can amend this to show your club name or an alternative 'From Name.'
The 'From Email' will default to this is to ensure that the email is sent from the England Athletics domain which will increase the deliverability of the emails.
We’ve had to make some changes to the way we send emails from the new portal as were having a few issues with emails not being delivered. Originally we set them up to send from the email address you selected in the portal, however we were getting quite a lot of emails that weren’t being delivered as the email providers we were attempting to deliver to were blocking them. This was because they couldn’t validate that the from email address was really sending from our server address.
As of Monday 12th April we have changed the set up so that all emails sent from the portal send with the from email address but the reply to email address is the one that you enter in the portal so your members can still reply to you. This seems to have improved the deliverability of emails quite significantly as that from email can be now validated as sending from our sever.
We now just need to change the label in the portal so that when you select which email address to use it is labelled as the ‘Reply to email’ rather then the ‘From email’ this will be done as part of our ongoing enhancements to the portal.
Payments and Orders
In accordance with the UKA Rules for Competition, clubs and organisations are required to pay the annual England Athletics affiliation fee in April each year. Your club will be able to pay the club affiliation fee from 1st April each year and has until 30th April to pay the fee.
To pay your club affiliation fee online follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal, if your affiliation fee is due you should see a notification at the top of the screen in the portal prompting you to ‘Create an Order’ or ‘Pay Now’
- Clicking ‘Pay Now’ will take you through to the order creation page - at this point you will be prompted to accep the England Athletics terms and conditions of affiliation
- Once you haev accepted the terms and conditions you can create an order for your club affiliation fee and if you click 'Pay Now' the portal will direct you through to our secure, online payment gateway to enter your card details and complete the payment.
- Alternatively you can click ‘Create an Order’ to pay your club affiliation fee via invoice. An order will be generated for your affiliation fee and any member registration fees that are currently marked as ‘Paid to Club’
- On the Order Details page click ‘Invoice’ to generate an invoice for the order which can be printed from your browser
- Payment can be made by completing a bank transfer using the following details:
- Payee: England Athletics
- Bank: Nat West
- Account: 59025603
- Sort code: 60 21 48
Please reference the payment with your club name and invoice number.
NB. England Athletics cannot accept cash or cheque payments for orders. There will be an administration delay for processing payments received by BACS, we would encourage all clubs to pay online where possible to ensure that your payments are received and allocated as efficiently as possible.
Please note, your club must have submitted your answers to the Club Standards check-list before you can process your club afifliation payment. Clubs do not have to have all of the standards in place but we request that you click 'Submit changes' at the bottom of the check-list so that we have a record of where your club is up to with regards to working towards the Club Standards.
In accordance with the UKA Rules for Competition, competitive athletes are required to pay an annual England Athletics registration fee to be eligible to compete in competitions held under UKA rules.
Clubs can use Stripe to request online payments from their members. If you are using Stripe you have the option when you set up your membership types to choose whether they should include the England Athletics registration fee. If you include the England Athletics registration fee in your membership type and send a payment request to your member then the England Athletics registration fee will be automatically transferred to England Athletics and you won’t need to do anything else. See the FAQ ‘How do I collect online membership payments from my members?’ for more information on this.
If you are using the portal purely to pay your member’s England Athletics registration fees and are not collecting or monitoring club membership payments through the portal or using Stripe to collect payments then you can pay for the athlete registration fees for your members by following these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘PAYMENTS’ on the left-hand side menu and then click on the ‘Payments to EA’ tab
- Use the circles next to the member names to select which members you are going to pay registration fees for
- At the bottom of the page click ‘Pay Now’ to automatically create an order for your athlete registration fees and be directed to our secure, online payment gateway to enter your card details and complete the payment.
- Alternatively click ‘Create an Order’ to pay your athlete registration fees via invoice. An order will be generated and you will be taken to the Order Details page.
- On the Order Details page click ‘Invoice’ to generate an invoice for the order which can be printed from your browser
- Payment can be made by completing a bank transfer using the following details:
- Payee: England Athletics
- Bank: Nat West
- Account: 59025603
- Sort code: 60 21 48
Please reference the payment with your club name and order number.
If you are using the portal to manage your member’s England Athletics registration fees as well as your club membership payments through the portal but you are not using Stripe to collect payments then you can pay for the athlete registration fees for your members by following these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘PAYMENTS’ on the left-hand side menu
- On the ‘Payments to Club’ page use the circles next to the member names to select which members you are going to pay club membership and registration fees for
- At the bottom of the page click ‘Mark as Paid’ you will be prompted to enter a payment method and payment date for all of the members that you want to mark as paid in the portal. Click ‘Save’ once you have entered this information.
- Once you have marked the member as paid on the ‘Payments to Club’ page their payment status on this page will change to ‘Paid’ and an order will be automatically created and marked as paid for the club membership portion of their payment.
- If you mark an athlete as paid and their membership type includes the England Athletics registration fee the member’s payment status will update to ‘Paid to Club’ on the ‘Payments to EA’ page. This indicates that the club has received the payment from the member for their England Athletics registration fee but the fee has not yet been paid to England Athletics.
- To create an order for these members you need to go to the ‘Payments to EA’ page and filter by the payment status ‘Paid to Club.’ This will show a list of all members that you have marked as paid that still need to pay their EA registration fees.
- Click on ‘Options’ – ‘Select all’ to select all of these members and then you will have then click on the ‘Create an order’ button shown on the action bar at the bottom of the screen.
- You will be taken to the order summary screen to confirm that you want to create the order or you can click on ‘Pay Now’ to be directed to our secure, online payment gateway to enter your card details and complete the payment online.
- Alternatively click ‘Create an Order’ to pay your athlete registration fees via invoice. An order will be generated and you will be taken to the Order Details page.
- On the Order Details page click ‘Invoice’ to generate an invoice for the order which can be printed from your browser.
- Payment can be made by completing a bank transfer using the following details:
- Payee: England Athletics
- Bank: Nat West
- Account: 59025603
- Sort code: 60 21 48
Please reference the payment with your club name and order number.
NB. England Athletics cannot accept cash payments or cheques for orders. There will be an administration delay for processing payments received by BACS, we would encourage all clubs to pay online where possible to ensure that your payments are received and allocated as efficiently as possible.
If you are using the online payments functionality which is built into the myAthletics portal you will be able to send email requests to your club members to pay their membership fees online, providing that your members have valid email addresses stored against their profiles in the myAthletics portal.
To send payment requests to your members:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘PAYMENTS’ on the left-hand side menu
- Use the circles next to your member names to select the members that you want to send payment requests to
- On the actions panel at the bottom of the page click ‘Request Payment’
- You will be shown a list of all of the members that you are about to request payment from, please ensure that you check the member email addresses at this point and ensure they are correct so that they payment requests can be delivered. If you need to edit any of the member email addresses on this page you can do so by clicking ‘Edit’ next to that member
- Once you are happy with the list click ‘Request Payments’ at the bottom of the page
- An email will be sent to your selected club members inviting them to pay their club membership through Stripe
NB. If you membership fees include the England Athletics registration fee for athletes you should not send payment requests until on or after the 1st April each year.
You can pay orders that have not already been paid, online, by using our secure payment gateway provided by SagePay:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘PAYMENTS’ on the left-hand side menu
- Go to the ‘Order History’ tab
- Find the order that you wish to pay and click the ‘Pay Online’ button
- You will be taken through to our secure, online payment gateway, enter your card details and follow the steps to make your payment
You can cancel orders that have not already been paid via the portal:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘PAYMENTS’ on the left-hand side menu
- Go to the ‘Order History’ tab
- Find the order that you wish to cancel and click the ‘Cancel’ button
Clubs can use the online payment functionality which is built into the myAthletics portal to send requests to your club members to pay their club membership fees and England Athletics registration fees online. Using the online payment functionality reduces the administration burden on clubs to collect payments in exchange for a small transactional charge of 1.5% +20p per transaction. The online payment functionality is integrated with Stripe, one of the most secure payment gateways used worldwide.
Once the online payment process has been completed, funds from the athlete’s payment are automatically transferred to the club’s bank account via Stripe. If the club has included the England Athletics registration fee in their membership, the registration fee will be automatically paid to England Athletics and the member will be registered to compete as soon as England Athletics receive the payment.
Your Club Treasurer and Membership Secretary will receive an automated receipt whenever a club member pays using the online payment functionality and you can keep track of your online payments through the Stripe reports which are integrated in to the portal.
You can use this link to access our user guide on how to get started with Stripe to collect online payments:
To set up Stripe for your club follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘PAYMENTS’ on the left-hand side menu
- On the Payments to Club page you will see a notification about how you can request membership payments online with Stripe, click on the link to ‘Find out more’
- You will then be taken through the registration process to sign up to Stripe. As part of this registration process you will be required to create a Stripe account for your club, or connect your account if you already have one, more guidance on how to do this can be found in the above document
- Once you have been through the onboarding wizard your Stripe account will be set up and you will be taken back to the portal
- Your club is now ready to start taking online membership payments
You can access your club's Stripe reports by clicking on 'PAYMENTS' from the left-hand menu and then going to the 'Stripe Reports' tab.
This page shows a list of your most recent payout reports as generated through Stripe. If you have not yet started taking payments through Stripe there will be no reports found.
You can click on the report date to view the detailed breakdown for each payout.
NB. If you are not using the Stripe to accept online membership payments from your members you will not see these reports.
You can request and collect membership payments from your 2nd claim club members in the same way that you would 1st claim members, you just need to make sure that you create a membership type for 2nd claim club members which does not include the EA registration fee.
To do this:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click 'Add Membership Fee'
- Enter the name of the membership type e.g. 2nd Claim and then enter the membership cost. Make sure that you do not tick the box which says 'Includes Athlete Registration fee' as the athlete will already pay through their first claim club.
- Click 'Save'
Once you have the 2nd Claim membership type set up you can assign this to your 2nd claim club members through the 'Pay Club Memberships' screen and then request payment from them.
If you have queries relating to online payments and our secure payment gateway, Stripe please use the link below to access our user guide created specifically for England Athletics clubs.
Your payment request emails are sent from the portal by our trusted email service provider and our delivery rates are constantly monitored to ensure that we are getting the best service.
If a club member has contacted you to say that they have not received their payment request email you should try the following:
- Ask them to check their spam or junk folder for the email
- Direct them to log in to the myAthletics portal, once they have logged in they can go to their profile page and click on ‘ORDER HISTORY.’ There will be a CTA button next to the order which will direct them to pay online via Stripe
- Ask them to ensure that they have added to their ‘Safe sender list’ in their email account
- Check that their email address is listed correctly in the myAthletics portal and that it is the correct email account for your member
- Try resending the payment request from the portal
If you are still experiencing issues with payment request emails not delivering to your members please Contact the England Athletics Membership Engagement team
You can view your order history by clicking on ‘ORDER HISTORY’ within your profile in the myAthletics portal. Your orders will be displayed with the most recent order showing first.
The ORDER HISTORY will show the following orders:
- Club membership fees
- England Athletics registration fees
- RunBritain event entry fees
- Course and workshop fees for bookings made prior to the introduction of Athletics Hub in 2019
You can view your club’s order history by clicking on ‘PAYMENTS’ on the left-hand side menu within the myAthletics portal and then clicking on the ‘Order History’ tab.
By default, your orders will be displayed with the most recent order showing first. You can use the search tool at the top of the page to search for a specific order number, member name or URN.
From this page you can also:
- Click on an order number to see the order details i.e. what payments the order is made up of
- Click ‘Invoice’ next to an order to generate an invoice for the order
- View the current status of an order
- Click ‘Pay Online’ to make a payment for any order where the payment is still marked as ‘Order Raised
- Click ‘Pay’ to access Payzip to pay an order on behalf of a member where a payment request has already been sent
- Click ‘Cancel’ to cancel an order where the payment has not yet been made
- Export a list of all of your orders by clicking on ‘Options’ and then ‘Export’ from the ‘Order History’ page
If you have set up a club Stripe account to take payments through the portal and need to transfer ownership of the account to a different club official you need to log in directly to your Stripe account via
- Once logged in to Stripe click on the cog icon in the top right corner to go to Settings
- Scroll down to Business Settings and then click on 'Team'
- On the Team page click on '+New Member' on the right hand side of the page
- Add the email address of the club official you want to transfer ownership to and choose to add them as an Administrator to the account
- Click 'Invite' – they should be sent an email from Stripe inviting them to join your organisation in Stripe. If they do not already have a Stripe account then they can set one up as part of accepting the invite.
- Once they have accepted the invitation to join the account and set up their account you should see them in the list of members under Settings – Team. If you click on 'Edit' next to their name in the Team list you will now see an option to ‘Transfer Ownership to this user’ – click this button and enter your log in details to transfer the ownership.
To request a refund through Stripe you need to do the following:
- Log in to your club Stripe account directly through Stripe here
- Go to the Payments screen to see all payments made in to your account, you can search the payments list by date range if required
- Find the relevant payment that you need to refund and click on the three dots on the right hand side of teh payment line then choose ‘Refund payment’
- Stripe will ask you to complete the refund amount required and the reason for the refund then click 'Refund'
- The refund will be processed and returned to your club member, it may take up to 10 business days to show in their account
There is no athlete registration fee charged by England Athletics for Second Claim Members. It is up to the individual club if they wish to charge their second claim athletes club membership fees.
Member Groups
The ‘Groups’ feature of the myAthletics Portal is designed to allow clubs to place their club members into groups for easier administration, or to quickly email, export details or add notes to a specific, predetermined group of people.
A group can be created from the following pages in the myAthletics portal:
- Payments
- All Members
- Athletes
- Coaches
- Officials
- Volunteers
To create your group, follow these steps:
- Select the members you want to be included in your group by ticking the circle next to their Name and URN.
- Click ‘Options’ on the right-hand side of the screen and select ‘Add Selected to Group’ from the drop-down list
- If you have already created your group then you can select the group you want to add the members to from the drop-down list. If you are creating a new group, choose ‘Add a New Group’ from the drop-down list and enter the Group Name in the text box provided.
- Click ‘Add to Group’
To view your existing groups, click ‘GROUP MANAGEMENT’ on the left-hand side menu. You will be shown a list of your existing groups with details of how many members are currently in each group.
You can click on the group name to view a list of the members that are currently in that group.
Form this page showing the list of group members you can use the circles to select group members and then use the Options drop down list to
- Email group members
- Export a list of all group members
- Add notes to all group members
To remove a member from one of your groups, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘GROUP MANAGEMENT’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click on ‘MANAGE MEMBERS’ next to the group name
- Click the ‘REMOVE’ option next to the member you want to delete from the group
- The member will be immediately removed from the group, if you accidentally remove a member from the group you can add them back in at any time
To email a group, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘GROUP MANAGEMENT’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click on the group name of the group you wish to email and the list of group members will be displayed
- Select the group members you want to email or tick the circle next to ‘Name’ at the top of the list to select all group members
- Click ‘Options’ on the right-hand side of the page and select ‘Send Email’ from the list of options
- The email editor will display, add the subject to your email and compose your message then click ‘Send’ to send the email to all members of the group
To export a list of group members, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘GROUP MANAGEMENT’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click on the group name of the group you wish to export and the list of group members will be displayed
- Select the group members you want to export or tick the circle next to ‘Name’ at the top of the list to select all group members
- Click ‘Options’ on the right-hand side of the page and select ‘Export’ from the list of options
- A download of the group member details will begin, you can choose to Open the file or Save it to your computer
To add notes to group members, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘GROUP MANAGEMENT’ on the left-hand side menu
- Click on the group name of the group you wish to add notes for and the list of group members will be displayed
- Select the group members you want to add notes for or tick the circle next to ‘Name’ at the top of the list to select all group members
- Click ‘Options’ on the right-hand side of the page and select ‘Add Note’ from the list of options
- The note editor box will display, type your note in the text box and then click ‘Add Note’
My Profile
You can edit your member profile information through the myAthletics portal.
To edit your member information, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click the drop down arrow next to ‘MY PROFILE in the top right of the screen and click on ‘MY PROFILE’ to be taken to your profile page
- From here you can click on ‘Edit’ at the top of your personal details to edit the following fields:
- Title
- First Name
- Last Name
- Gender
- Primary Event
- Ethnicity
- Sexual Orientation
- Religion
- Nationality
- Gender at Birth
- Discipline
- Disability information
- Click ‘Edit’ next to your Contact Details to edit the following:
- Address
- Home Telephone
- Work Telephone
- Mobile Number
- Emergency Contact Details
- Click ‘PASSWORD & SECURITY’ on the right-hand side menu to change your password
- Click ‘COMMUNICATION PREFERENCES’ on the right-hand side menu to manage the communications that you receive from Athletics Governing Bodies
- Ensure that you click ‘Update’ at the bottom of each page to ensure that any changes that are made get stored against your member profile
You can upload an image to use as your member profile image through the myAthletics portal. If you are a coach or official this image will also be used on your licence card. To upload your image, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Go to ‘MY PROFILE’
- Click ‘Edit’ next to personal details
- Click ‘Upload new picture’
- Click ‘Browse’ to access image files on your computer and select the image you want to upload
- Click ‘Upload’ and your image will be updated
NB. Images which are going to be used for coach or official licenses should be clear, current, passport style images. Unacceptable images include:
- Images over 3 years old
- Washout colour
- Black and white images
- With sunglasses or hat
- Silhouette / shadow / spotlight at side angles
- Blurry images
- Watermarks over image
- Slim / squash image
- Damaged photo e.g. faint lines or holes across image
If you have uploaded a new image to your profile but you are not seeing the updated image on the screen it may be that you need to try clearing your website cache to get the image to refresh. You can do this by clicking Ctrl and F5 on your laptop.
We take our responsibilities towards the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults in athletics and running very seriously and require everyone in athletics and running who has significant contact with children and/or vulnerable adults to have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check (which has replaced the CRB check).
You can check whether your DBS check is up to date in your profile through the myAthletics portal, simply sign in to the myAthletics portal. You will be taken to the ‘MY PROFILE’ page and can view your DBS expiry date in the ‘Personal Details’ section:
- If you have no DBS check or your DBS check has expired this will be shown in red as 'Expired' - please click on the link to 'Apply/Renew DBS' next to this to complete the online application. The link to 'Apply/Renew DBS' will only be available to you if you have a specific role within athletics and running that requires a DBS check.
- If your DBS check is due to expire shortly the expiry date will be shown in amber - please click on the link to 'Apply/Renew DBS' next to this to complete the online application and renew your DBS before it expires.
- If your DBS check is fully up to date the date and status will be shown in green - you do not need to act, there will be no link to access the online DBS process. It is, however, worth noting when your application is due to expire so you can act a few months before this. You will also be sent a reminder to renew your DBS when you get to within 3 months of it expiring.
If you have a coaching or officiating qualification you must have a valid DBS check in place in order to receive your licence.
To change your first claim club you need to go through the change of club process, a flow chart diagram of this process can be found in the ‘Useful Documents’ area of the myAthletics portal but the basic steps are listed below:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Once signed in to the myAthletics portal, click on ‘CLUB TRANSFER’ found on the left-hand side menu under ‘myMembership’. This will bring up the ‘Club Transfers’ screen. This will show any ‘In Progress’ or ‘Previous’ club transfers.
- To start the change of club application, click on the ‘Start New Transfer’ button.
- Enter the name of the new club you want to transfer to in the relevant space and enter any comments you want to send to the club you are wishing to leave. Once both boxes are completed, click the box in the bottom left-hand corner to confirm you have read and agreed with the terms and conditions for the transfer. If you are exempt from payment (U15’s & those returning after 3 years) you will be taken to the transfer complete screen.
- Billing Information. Please complete the marked boxes for the address your payment card is registered to and then click the ‘Review and Pay’ button.
- Check your details are correct on the next screen and tick the confirmation box in the bottom left-hand of the screen and then click on the ‘Go to Payment’ button to proceed to the next screen.
- Select your payment method and enter the requested card details. Once entered click on the ‘Pay £10.00 now’ button and complete your change of club transfer.
- A club transfer complete screen will appear giving details of the next stage of the process and contact details for England Athletics. You will be kept informed on the progress of your application by email.
Your transfer request will be sent to club officials at your former club. The club has 28 days to respond to this request. If this is your first club transfer application in 12 months, once approved by your former club, your transfer will be completed the next day. If this is your second club transfer within 12 months, your application will go to the Eligibility Committee on the 11th of the month, and will be cleared on the 1st of the next month (subject to competition ban)
If an athlete has already transferred clubs within the previous 12 months, they will be asked to give reason for their second change.
If you wish to compete for a new club in a discipline for which your first claim club does not affiliate, for example, you are a road runner who wants to take part in track and field, you can join another club as ‘first claim other’.
This is done by submitting an ‘Other Discipline Application Form’ to England Athletics. This form can be found in the ‘Useful Documents’ area of the myAthletics portal under ‘Help & Support’. You are only required to pay the England Athletics athlete registration fee to your original first claim club.
Senior and Under 20 track and field athletes may apply to join another High Competition Club for a specific senior track and field league competition in which their first claim club does not compete. The application can be found in the ‘Useful Documents’ area of the myAthletics Portal under ‘Help & Support’ and is the responsibility of the athlete to submit to UKA.
We take our responsibilities towards the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults in athletics and running very seriously and require everyone in athletics and running who has significant contact with children and/or vulnerable adults to have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check (which has replaced the CRB check). All licensed coaches are required to have a valid DBS check and to have completed the UKA online safeguarding course in order to validate their coaching license.
To check whether a coach at your club has a valid licence and coaching qualification follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Go to the ‘COACHES’ page listed on the left-hand side menu. Here you can view a current list of coaches and leaders that you have added for your club, see their highest qualification and whether they are licensed. The licence status’ visible are:
- Yes (Green) - if they have a valid licence
- No (Red) - if they are not licenced or their licence has expired
- Expiring (Amber) - if their licence is expiring within the next 30 days
- Contact UKA (Black) - if their licence is valid but has a restriction on it
- To view further information about that coach, click on their name and you will be taken through to their profile page which also shows their full list of qualifications. NB. Their qualifications won't show if they are not currently licensed.
Clubs can use the UKA coach licence checker to check the licence status of coaches and officials.
If you have any queries regarding updating your DBS record or other welfare issues please contact the Welfare office on 0121 713 8450 or email:
To check whether an official at your club has a valid licence and coaching qualification follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Go to the ‘OFFICIALS’ page listed on the left-hand side menu. Here you can view a current list of officials for your club, see their highest qualification and whether they are licensed. The licence status’ visible are:
- Yes (Green) - if they have a valid licence
- No (Red) - if they are not licenced or their licence has expired
- To view further information about that official, click on their name and you will be taken through to their profile page which also shows their full list of qualifications.
To check whether an official is currently registered and what qualifications they hold you can use the UKA licence checker.
The UK Athletics (UKA) and the Home Country Athletics Federations (HCAF) Codes of Conduct set out national standards of conduct for all clubs, coaches, officials, volunteers and athletes in the sport.
The 2021 revised codes take account of developments in national policy, guidance and practice. The purpose of the codes are to clarify:
- what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable
- the standards of practice expected from all club members
- the basis for challenging and improving practice
All club members must agree to the Codes of Conduct relevant to their role(s). Club admins can export data on which club members have signed up to which Codes of Conduct from the portal. To export the data:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Go to any one of the member listing pages e.g. 'All Members'
- Click the 'Options' drop down arrow and then choose 'Export All'
The member export will show which of your members have signed up to which Codees of Conduct bu indicating 'Yes' if they have signed up to a specific Code of Conduct.
You can view the licence status of your club coaches and officials through the 'Coaches' and 'Officials' pages within the portal.
The licence column will show whether your coaches and officials currently have a valid licence. 'Yes' in this column indicates that their licence has been issued and is valid.
'No' in this column indicates that they do not currently have a licence issued by UKA. A licence is issued once the coach/official has completed their relevant qualification, the online safegurading course, has a valid DBS check and has uploaded a suitable photograph to the myAthletics portal.
If your coach/officials is showing as not licensed but they have all of the required qualifications in place it is likely to be due to the fact that they have not uploaded a suitable photograph to their profile in the myAthletics portal. A licence cannot be issued by UKA until a suitable photograph has been uploaded
In line with the HCAF and UKA Club Safeguarding Code of Conduct and Club Standards, clubs should appoint at least one Lead Welfare Officer who is appropriately trained.
England Athletics recommends that clubs also appoint one or more additional Welfare Officers who are appropriately trained to assist the Lead Welfare Officer. This is beneficial because:
- They will provide additional support to the Lead Welfare Officer
- Your club will have more than one welfare point of contact
- Club members have a second person to speak to if, for example, one of your Welfare Officer may be friends or connected to persons involved
- It will aid with succession planning.
You may wish to consider having a male and female Welfare Officer as, in some welfare matters of a sensitive nature, members may prefer to speak to someone of the same gender.
Clubs can add the Welfare Officer role to their members by editing a member's roles. The Lead Welfare Officer role can be allocated to one of your Welfare Officers through the Welfare Officers list on the Club Profile page.
In line with the HCAF and UKA Club Safeguarding Code of Conduct and Club Standards, clubs should appoint at least one Lead Welfare Officer who is appropriately trained. Clubs may appoint additional Welfare Officers as required to help support their club members.
All Welfare Officers should have a valid DBS, Safeguarding qualification and have completed one of the following; Time 2 Listen, Adult Welfare course, Child Welfare course. If you are operating in a club that has U18 members then you should complete the Child Welfare course. If your club has no U18 members then you can book on to the Adult Welfare course.
All three of these requirements are valid for 3 years and then they need to be renewed. Welfare Officers can check the validity of their training through the myAthletics portal:
- DBS expiry date can be found on your profile page. There will be a link to renew this if your DBS has expired or due to expire within 3 months.
- Safegaurding status is on your QUALIFICATIONS page - this should show with a status of 'Confirmed' and will have the date you gained the qualificaiton visible so you know your expiry date is 3 years from the original date. If Safeguarding is not showing on your QUALIFICATIONS page you should book on to the online course and renew this qualification.
- Time 2 Listen/Adult Welfare/Child Welfare training will show on your COURSES page - these should show with a status of 'Attended course' with the course date visible so you know that your training will expire 3 years from the original course date. If your course date is more than 3 years ago you should book on to an upcoming course via Athletics Hub to renew your training.
Club Kit
To change your club colours please email a copy of the design in colour to
Our Membership Engagement Team will then review against other clubs in the area and UKA rules to determine whether the changes can go ahead. Once you changes have been approved you can then upload a new image of your kit to your Club Profile via the portal.
Our Membership Engagement Team will then review against other clubs in the area and UKA rules to determine whether the changes can go ahead. Once you changes have been approved you can then upload a new image of your Kit to your Club Profile via the portal. Please note it is only possible to upload one kit image to the portal so if you have 2 designs please add these together as one image.
Yes – members of a team should ensure they all wear kit of the same colours and design but can be of a different cut, if there is any doubt it is best to ask and clear with the event referee.
Yes - if the colours and design are basically the same and the change is in the club name lettering or badge then members can wear either design but the event referee should be consulted to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding.
Yes – there are maximum allowed sizes for logos and club names – rule TR5 S1 (1-5) further details can be found in the rule book using the link below.
Club Standards
View our guidance on the England Athletics website for an overview of affiliation requirements.
British Triathlon Clubs will have the option to affiliate with Club Standards. Please update your club profile page and complete the following:
- Other NGB affiliation
- The tick box to opt in or out of Club Standards
Note if you tick opt out the Club Standards checklist will be removed.
University and workplaces are exempt from Club Standards and will not see the Club Standards list. University and workplace clubs will operate by their own company policies and procedures with their members being employees/students.
It is the clubs responsibility to ensure that your Leader and Coach list is kept up to date. This isn't done automatically on course/license completion.
The Leader and Coach data in the checklist pulls through from the main myAthletics Portal – you will need to make sure that you have allocated the leader and coach role for them to show on this list. See the Club Member Management FAQs for guidance on how to do this.
You can use the Club Management area of the myAthleticsPortal to keep track of all your club members, including Leaders and Coaches, Officials and volunteers as well as athletes. To update individual member roles, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the myAthletics portal
- Click ‘All Members’ on the left-hand side menu, you will be presented with a list of all of your current club members. The details under the ‘Roles’ column show which roles an individual currently holds within your club.
- To edit the roles for a member, click ‘View/Edit’ for that member and you will be taken to their profile
- Click ‘Edit’ on the member’s profile to update their roles by using the 'Athletics Status' and 'Volunteer Roles' drop down lists
- Click ‘Update’ to confirm your role changes
Assigning roles for members will ensure that they appear in the relevant section within the portal i.e. ‘Athletes’, ‘Coaches’, ‘Officials’ or ‘Volunteers’.
Please note, if you choose not to add an Athlete or Volunteer role to your member the member will be resigned from your club as they do not have an active role and will no longer show in your club member list.
To add Run Leaders to the Coaches & Leaders section:
- Navigate to the 'all members' section of your members list and search for the contact
- Select 'view/edit' next to the contact's name and then 'edit' on their profile screen
- Navigate to the 'roles' dropdown and select 'Run Leader'. Then select 'update'.
You will then see the Run Leader in the Coaches & Leaders section.
If you are not seeing a green tick next to the Welfare Officer section of Standard 6 and all of your Welfare Officers have the appropriate training in place, this could be for a few reasons:
- You have not appointed a Lead Welfare Officer (see below how to do this) or
- Your club status is incorrect; please change this to reflect if your club has U18s only or O18s (the Welfare Officer training requirement is different for each) or
- DBS or online safeguarding course has expired
To assign a Lead Welfare Officer to your club:
- Sign in to the myAthletics Portal
- Go to the Club Profile page
- Scroll down to your list of Welfare Officers
- Click on 'Make Lead Welfare Officer' next to one of your Welfare Officers
Your club should have a Lead Welfare Officer in place at all times.
This difference in score may happen when one of the automated checks wich runs on the club standards checklist changes overnight. This may cause one of the standards which may have previously been green to become red and your club standards score may be reduced.An example of this would be when one of your club coach's licence expires overnight.
As the update happens automatically the checklist doesn't get resubmitted so the progress bar on your home page is still green as the platform doesn’t know that this standard is now red yet. If you click submit changes on the checklist to refresh your score then the progress bar on the home page will be updated to reflect the correct score.
Officials Secretaries
After logging in to MyAthletics Portal you will be navigated to your Officials area or a screen allowing you to choose from a list of organisations you help to manage.
E.g. if you are a Club Secretary as well as an Officials Area Secretary, you will be able to choose from either organisation.
The Area Profile section allows you to view the following information:
- Name – The name of your area.
- Reference – Unique reference number assigned to your area.
- Area – Where in the country your area is.
- Image – You can set a logo or Image for your area organisation.
The area summary section provides a breakdown of the numbers of Officials of different types within your area.
- Primary Officials – These are people who have indicated from their myAthletics Portal they wish to be a primary Official in your area e.g. they live in your area.
- Secondary Officials – These are people who have indicated from their myAthletics Portal they wish to be a secondary Official in your area e.g. they live in a bordering area or are willing to travel if needed.
NOTE: The intention of secondary Officials is to be able to call on them in the event you cannot supply Officials to events in your area from your primary Officials. It is a great facility to be able to call on expertise from outside your area when the need arises.
For each of these groups of Officials the counts of Officials are shown broken down by:
- Total – The number of Officials in this group.
- Licenced & Qualified – Those Officials who have at least one Official qualification and a valid DBS.
- Un-licenced & Qualified – Those Officials who have at least one Official qualification but their DBS is invalid or they don’t yet have one.
- Unqualified – Those trainees who are not yet qualified in any Official qualification.
The Officials section provides you access to your Officials.
- You can search for a single Official
- You can search for groups of Officials who have common information by using a filter
- You can select none, a single or set of Officials by ticking / unticking the box on the left.
- You can tick all or tick none by ticking the radio button in the grid header.
- If you have people selected and you wish to clear the ticks in one go, tick the radio button and this will clear all ticks. You can validate this by the counts of selected.
This gives you access to further functions you can perform with your Officials.
These options can operate with:
- All records (unticked)
- You can select all or deselect all using the check box in the header
- One ticked record
- Tick one row on the left
- Many ticked records.
- Tick multiple rows on the left and this can be over multiple pages.
Once you have selected an Official or group of Officials, the Options button will provide you with a number of functions:
- Add to Group
- This will add all, or selected Officials to your chosen group.
- Email
- Used commonly by filtering the grid and or ticking a row next to Officials you wish to email.
- If you have no records ticked then this email will be sent to all Officials who have an email address.
- Add Note
- Used commonly by ticking a row next to the Official and choosing the add note.
- If you have no records ticked then this note will be attached to all Officials.
- Export All
- This exports all Officials in the grid. Note: if the grid is filtered then you will export all the Officials who match the filter.
- Exporting gives you row per Official with the highest level in each qualification discipline.
- Export Selected
- This exports all Officials who have a tick next to them.
- Exporting gives you row per Official with the highest level in each qualification discipline.
The list of Officials can be filtered by a number of ways by choosing your criteria and clicking the ‘Filter and Sort’ icon.
Choose from one or many items in the following categories:
- Qualification
- Level
- County Affiliation
- Licence Status
- County
- Club
- Sort by:
- Last name
- Primary affiliation
- Licensed
- Trainee
Note: In the dropdowns for Level and Qualification, if you select no options then the search assumes you are searching all items in that category.
You can also choose from multiple dropdowns e.g. return all Officials where they have Photo Finish or Timekeeper qualifications at level 2. (Choose 2 from level and choose Photo Finish and Timekeeper from qualifications and hit search).
By clicking on the small black x in ‘Active filters’, it will clear the search terms and show you all Officials in your area.
If you would like to save a detailed search filter, select the ‘save filter’ button on the list of Officials. This will allow you to name the filter, set the parameters of your search and save for future reference.
To access a saved filter, go to the list of Officials and select the ‘Saved Filters’ dropdown. From here you can select a filter you have previously saved.
The ‘Group Management’ feature of the Officials area is designed to allow Area Secretaries to place Officials into groups for easier administration, or to quickly email, export or add notes to a specific, predetermined group of people.
If you are organising an event and Officials tell you they can attend, you can add them to a group called “Competition x 12 Sep” and build up a list of those who can attend. You can then manage those individuals as a group. You can add or remove people from this group and when the last person is removed from the group the group is removed.
To use groups:
- Click on the ‘Group Management’ option on the left-hand menu.
- On the ‘Group’ page, choose the group you wish to use.
- You can now select individual members of the group, or select every member of the group (leaving all check boxes unticked will also select all members) then click the options button.
- A box with option will now appear. From here you can choose to Email all members in the group (or only the ones you have selected), export details, add members to another group (Or create a new group) or add a note to the members.
- In the Officials tab select the people you want to be included in the new group by placing a tick the check box next to their URN. You can select people on multiple pages where the list of people spans over multiple pages.
- On the right-hand side of the screen, above the column headers, click the ‘Options’ then choose ‘Add to Group’
- On the ‘Add To Group’ screen, select ‘Existing Group’ as ‘(new group) then type the name of your new group.
- The people selected are now members of the group.
- Select the people you want to be included in the new group by placing a tick the check box next to their URN. You can select people on multiple pages where the list of people spans over multiple pages.
- On the right-hand side of the screen, above the column headers, click the ‘Options’ then choose ‘Add to Group’
- On the ‘Add To Group’ screen, change ‘Existing Group’ to the name of the group you want to add the selected people to
- The people selected are now members of the group.
- Click on the ‘Group Management option on the left-hand menu.
- Click the ‘Manage Members’ icon next to the name of the Group
- Remove members from the Group using the ‘Remove’ icon
- To delete a Group, remove all members from the Group.
The Reports facility will be where commonly used reports will be made available to you. This will reduce the number of reports which currently get emailed to you and will be a more secure way of giving you access to this key information.
Currently this area is under development and reports will be made available in due course.
This is where a log of your outbound emails are tracked.
You can search for specific text within the subject or you can search for specific text within the recipient email address.
The results will show any email sends where it matches your search criteria.
Clicking Details on the right of a specific email send will show you detail about that email send.
This tells you about that specific email send, when it was sent.
You can also export this data using the options > Export all and this will export the information in that grid.
Select ‘View/Edit’ next to an Official’s name from the Officials grid to view or edit their details
To update an Official’s email address click on the ‘edit’ button on the top right of an Official’s details. From there you will be able to help the Official by correcting or updating their contact details.
Either click on the Officials email address as seen in the Official’s grid or select a row of one Official and choose send email from the options menu at the top right of the grid.
To send emails to more than one Official, either ‘Select All’ from the Options menu or select a set of Officials from the list you wish to email. Then choose Options > Email.
Cancel will return you to the grid to re-consider who you wish to include.
Attachments can be added by clicking on the “attach a file” link.
Clicking on “remove” will remove an attachment you have uploaded by mistake.
Attachments can be added to the email being sent. Please note that the maximum size of an attachment is 4mb.
It is advised if you have a large or regular newsletter you should publish this to your website (if you have one) and provide a link within the email directing Officials to your website. This will also benefit from the fact you will be able to store a history of these files from month to month in case someone needs to look back. Including large attachments in email can also fill up receiver mail boxes and if they are on a phone, it will use a large proportion of their data allowance downloading the attachment.
Alternative solutions to large attachments exist with the use of a free to use public Dropbox where you can upload the document and provide the link in the email body you are sending with instructions for the receiver to open it or download it. If you require help to do this, please contact the support department.
If you have an alternative email address you use as an area secretary, you can request for the Trinity system to be updated to hold your Officials Secretary email and your personal one.
From the Send Email panel, you will then be able to click on the dropdown next to the “from email” and choose from one or other of your active email addresses.
Note: The email being sent is sent on behalf of you as the sender but the recipient will if they hit reply be sending the email back to you.
Notes are a great way of recording salient information for your records.
Please note the Official will not see the note but Head office and any other area Official in YOUR area will. Also the individual themselves can request to see all information recorded about them so please be careful to record only what you would want them to read later if needed. Notes cannot be deleted.
Select the row of an Official by using the tick box and click Options > add note from the top right menu. This will open a panel which will indicate the name of the person you are adding the note to.
To add a note to multiple Officials, either select no Officials or select a number of Officials using the tick box and click Options > add note from the top right menu.
This will open a panel which will indicate the number of people this note will be added to. The system will then recognise there are multiple people and warn you.
Once you have added notes, you will see a note indicator next to that Official. By clicking on the green note indicator a panel shows with the details of the notes. These are displayed in date order with the most recent at the top.
Select ‘My Profile’ on the top right of the screen for access to your own profile where you can manage your own information.
You can return to the Officials area using the link at the left of the menu.
As part of our commitment to ensure our sport is safe for everyone taking part we ask all licensed coaches and officials to update their licence every 3 years.
Coaches and officials have a duty of care to ensure participants are safe when taking part in activities under their guidance. As part of our commitment to keep participants safe we ask all coaches and officials to update key licensing requirements every 3 years:
- DBS checks
- Safeguarding training
- First aid training (coaches / leaders only)
- Accepting licence Terms & Conditions and Codes of Conduct
Separately we ask all coaches and officials to ensure their licence photograph is updated every 9 years in line with the 3 yearly relicensing cycle
Having a valid licence is crucial to ensure you are covered under our public liability insurance policy.
Please email and we will process your request. You will be ‘retired’ from your role and your license status updated.
If you change your mind you have 6 years in which to activate your license by completing the required mandatory training. After this time you will be required to undertake some role specific training in order to regain your licence.
Please email us on and we will make the necessary arrangements to ensure our databases are up to date and you do not receive further communications from us that may cause you distress.
Coaches and officials have a duty of care to keep participants safe. Having a valid licence demonstrates to clubs, competition providers, athletes and parents that a coach or official is able to operate safely in line with guidance issued by the England Athletics and UK Athletics which meets key legislative requirements.
Our insurers also need to be confident that coaches and officials covered under our insurance policy are safe and competent. Having a valid licence issued in line with accepted standards is one of the key criteria to accessing our insurance cover.
There are a few simple steps that you need to carry out in order to renew your licence and this depends on your role and level of qualification.To view these steps and more information you need to:
- Log in to the myAthletics portal
- Click on the 'My Profile' drop down arrow in the top right of the screen
- In the drop down menu select 'MY COACH LICENCE' or 'MY OFFICIALS LICENCE' to view the licence checklist where you can easily see which steps you need to complete to renew your licence
More details and a step by step guide can be found on the licensing renewal page of the England Athletics website.
As part of our commitment to safeguarding and safeguarding standards we ask everyone who carries out a role where a DBS check is a requirement to renew their certificate every 3 years. More information can be found on the DBS page of the England Athletics website.
We can use your current DBS if your certificate is on the update service. If this is the case, all you need to do is email your certificate number to If not, then you will need to complete the application by logging in to your England Athletics Portal.
Whilst much of the content may be similar to other training you may have accessed the training we offer focused on specific athletics settings and also covers the key sports specific policies and process you need to have an awareness of.
Some First Aid qualifications / certificates are transferable and map against the UKA training. To find out if your qualification / training meets the criteria please contact
First Aid training is mandatory for all coaches and leaders with different requirements based on the environment where you deliver your sessions. To find out which level of training you require please visit the UKA website.
As part of our commitment to keeping everyone safe when they take part in athletics and running activities we want to ensure coaches and officials have up to date skills and knowledge in key areas of health and safety and safeguarding. By linking the mandatory training requirements to our licensing scheme we are able to raise standards of safety across the sport.
We work closely with UK Athletics to delver our mandatory training. Details will have been provided to you in your licence renewal email as the requirements are specific to your role and level of qualification. Find out more and see which training you need.
All licenced roles have to complete a DBS check which needs to be renewed every 3 years and access safeguarding training.
The process for endurance officials at Level 1 is slightly different – for more details please visit the England Athletics website.
To upload your passport style photo for your licence, you will need to login to your account on myAthletics portal using your username (your URN) and your password.
Click on My Profile in the top right corner, then Edit on your Personal Details and here you will see a link to Upload New Picture. You must ensure your image is no larger than 100x130 pixels and the file size is under 4MB.
A breakdown of the licensing steps relevant to your role and level of qualification can be found within your profile in the myAthletics portal:
- Log in to the myAthletics portal
- Click on the 'My Profile' drop down arrow in the top right of the screen
- In the drop down menu select 'MY COACH LICENCE' or 'MY OFFICIALS LICENCE' to view the licence checklist where you can easily see which steps you need to complete to renew your licence
Once you have completed all the required steps the process to reissue your licence will begin and you will receive an email informing you that your licence is being processed.
Please allow four to six weeks for your licence to be processed, posted and received once you have completed all of the required steps.
Once all the licensing steps have been completed you will be informed via email that your licence is being processed and the licence checklist within your profile on the myAthletics portal will show as complete.
Please allow four to six weeks for your licence to arrive from confirmation that it is being processed. If you have still not received your licence after six weeks please contact
There are a number of steps you need to complete which are relevant for your role and level of qualification before your licence is issued. Details of these can be found within your profile in the myAthletics portal:
- Log in to the myAthletics portal
- Click on the 'My Profile' drop down arrow in the top right of the screen
- In the drop down menu select 'MY COACH LICENCE' or 'MY OFFICIALS LICENCE' to view the licence checklist where you can easily see which steps you need to complete to renew your licence
If this is your first qualification you will need to issue a passport photo for your licence - you must ensure your image is no larger than 100x130 pixels and the file size is under 4MB.
Please allow four to six weeks for delivery of your licence and ensure your personal details are up to date on the myAthletics Portal.
Please email us on
Club Transfers - First Claim
This can only be done by the individual concerned. To transfer between clubs they need to log in to myAthletics portal following the link below, once logged in they will see the CLUB TRANSFER option on the left hand side menu. Click 'Start New Transfer' to request the transfer.
There is no requirement to do anything on the Club Portal the process of the transfer going through will automatically make them appear on your Payments page to register and pay in the normal manner if required.
If it is an individual’s second club transfer request within a 12 month period then it will need to be authorised by the Eligibility Committee who meet on the 11th of each month to approve. Once approved all such requests will go through automatically on the first of the following month and then appear on your club portal.